Equipping you for the journey ahead


This curated collection of resources, which will continue to grow and evolve, is intended to aid, support, and inform your journey of discovery

Image featuring 9 wooden blocks in three stacks

Connection Blox

Connection Blox™: Nine Domains of Integration was created by a psychotherapist with the intention of providing a simple and engaging tool for learning and experiencing how our brains and bodies connect and heal.


Anxiety & Depression Screening

When we use the words anxiety and depression to describe our experience, it can be helpful to clarify what we mean, especially when considering mental health treatments.

Silhouetted couple in conversation sit in front of window

Relational Sharing

In the Being Known™ community, we talk a lot about what it means to engage in communities that invite vulnerability and create brave spaces for intimacy. This handout will guide you through a very basic overview of active listening, reflective listening, embodied reflection, and vulnerability.


S.I.F.T. (B) Your Experience

What we pay attention to is what we remember and what we remember is how we will anticipate our future. This fundamental neurobiological truth can hold equal parts hope and discouragement.


Center for Being Known Conference

Kelsey Myers speaks at the CBK 2021 conference about the power and applications of interpersonal neurobiology and integration

Watch Video


Audio Recording

Guided Meditation with Kelsey Myers



Faces of Postpartum Podcast

Kelsey Myers, LMFT talks about marriage and partnership during the postpartum period.

Through the lenses of her three postpartum periods, Kelsey reflects on her professional and personal life, as well as on how our neurobiology changes during this very intense and often challenging time.


Marvels of Science: Shellhead Shock

Kelsey Myers discusses Tony Stark's apparent (though denied) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Iron Man 3. What makes PTSD different from healthy ways of recalling trauma? For that matter, what is trauma? And what are panic attacks and panic disorders?


Your Baby’s Amazing Brain

Kelsey Myers talks about your baby’s neurobiology and how interaction from the earliest days helps shape mental and spiritual health. We know that our babies are fearfully and wonderfully made, and come in awe-inspiring packages, but it’s hard to know exactly what’s going on in your baby’s brain or how to interact with them.


Additional Resources

At Curo, we are committed to ongoing learning and development. The following list includes fields of study, topics, and thought leaders that inform and inspire our work.


Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology

The Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology is a series of books curated with the intention of furthering our understanding of neurobiology and the human mind.